When you go to college, you will transition to living independently on campus. There are many skills that you can practice before you leave for college that can help you be successful living on campus. The four inclusive post-secondary education programs in Missouri (Bear POWER, PAWS, Succeed, and THRIVE) have identified the following skills as especially important!
Students and families: Use this list to identify skills to practice at home and in your community as you prepare for the transition to college!
Teachers and service providers: Use this list to identify skills you may want to target in the classroom and to help with lesson planning as you prepare your students for the transition to college!
Managing Medications: If you take medication, you will be responsible for getting your medication from the pharmacy and remembering to take it on time.
Navigating Campus: In college, you will need to find your way around campus!
Use Google Maps or Apple Maps to find walking directions between two locations
Download the Uber or Lyft app; practice using the app to call for a ride
Look up the bus system of your preferred post-secondary program
Cleanliness: You will need to keep your dorm room and bathroom clean when you live on campus.
Make your bed every day
Vacuum or sweep your bedroom floor
Clean your bathroom: wipe down each surface, clean the toilet
Laundry: You will do your own laundry when you live on campus.
Click the links below to find specific information about living on campus at each of the four inclusive postsecondary programs in Missouri: